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Tarot Readings


Tarot Readings by Wren

Do you need clarification on something? Perhaps you have a question, or need insight on a matter that is troubling you? 


Tarot readings are now available from The Cemetery Witch Store! 


Whether you want to delve into the year ahead, ask a question about an area of your life such as home or work, or take a look at your past, present and future; there is a reading just for you. 




Online & Email
Tarot readings are now available with Wren via Zoom and email. There are a number of readings to choose from to suit your needs.

10% off online/email readings for Top Tier Patrons (all Patrons receive a Priority Service).

Take a look at Wren's readings in the Shop (link above). 


In Person
From 14th January 2025, Wren will be offering readings in person every Tuesday from Rutland, which are perfect if you are in the Rutland / Leicestershire / Lincolnshire / Northamptonshire area. These are carried out at The Old Smithy, Langham Lane, Burley, Rutland, LE15 7TB. Please note that there is a steep flight of stairs up to the reading room.


Please email to book or for more information. 



Quick Question (Via Email Only) - £20.00
Do you need an answer?

This quick 3-card reading answers any question you currently have  via email, and gives you advice for moving forwards.


Overcoming Obstacles - £30.00
This incredibly insightful 5-card tarot reading sheds light on the obstacles you currently face, along with advice for moving forwards. Also available as an email reading. 


Goddess Potential - £30.00
What’s blocking you or stopping you from reaching your full goddess potential?! This 5 card reading gives you insight into your current situation and helps you better connect with your inner goddess. Also available as an email reading. 


General Question - £45.00
Do you have a question you need answering in depth? This detailed, 10-card tarot reading can be on any topic to do with life: love, careers, money, family, relationships. We will divine the answer for you, and give you advice going forwards. 
Also available as an email reading. 

Year Ahead - £45.00
Would you like to take a peek at the next 12 months and explore some of the themes and topics that may come up for you? This detailed, 13-card tarot reading goes month-by-month and examines what the next year looks like. Also available as an email reading. 

21 Card - Past, Present & Future - £60.00
The ultimate reading. Do you need insight? Would you like to look deeper into yourself and into events past, present and future? If so, this extremely detailed tarot reading is for you. Also available as an email reading. â€‹


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