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Grimoire Sheets

Printable Grimoire

Get your hands on my Grimoire! 


I have been a practising witch since 1997 and have kept records since then. I haven't recorded everything I've learned; just the things that have felt relevant to my own personal Craft.


In 2007, whilst pregnant and on maternity leave, I started to type up the many scraps of handwritten paper I had accrued; some of which are still waiting to be sorted. In 2018, I started digitising this information further by using a design system to create Grimoire pages that looked prettier than simple Word document A4 pages.


Whilst I was designing these pages, I decided I'd release my Grimoire to the world. Some of it is general magickal information; some of it is magickal correspondences. Much of it is related to the seasonal turn of the Wheel. I have omitted the very personal sections of my Grimoire, and some of the things taught to me by others that I feel are theirs to teach; but there are lots of spells, recipes, remedies and folklore stories that I love. 


In total, there are nearly three ring binders' worth of information, with more to come; all in a downloadable, printable, A4 PDF format.  


There are TWO ways to get your hands on my Grimoire: 

Via Patreon Membership

On joining Patreon you will receive a 32-page Grimoire Starter Pack in both sepia and white, which gives three colourway options. This contains all the available front and chapter pages, plus some information on Witchcraft. Each month you will receive two pages a month (4 total = 2 x sepia, 2 x white), alongside a host of fabulous benefits. For more information take a look HERE


Via the Etsy Shop
This Grimoire is also available in its entirety in the Etsy shop. Here you can find it with a white background only; available to print and download in chapters. Take a look HERE

Selection of Grimoire Sheets

© 2024 The Cemetery Witch - Wren Harris

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